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Journal of Chromatography B
Copyright © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 783, Issue 2, Pages 319-535 (15 January 2003)
       Selected Display Checked Docs E-mail Articles Export Citations View:
Trace level determination of trichloroethylene from liver, lung and kidney tissues by gas chromatography–magnetic sector mass spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 319-325
Stacy D. Brown, S. Muralidhara, James V. Bruckner and Michael G. Bartlett
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High-performance liquid chromatographic assay with ultraviolet spectrometric detection for the evaluation of inhibitors of secretory phospholipase A2 ARTICLE
Pages 327-333
Melanie Schmitt and Matthias Lehr
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Determination of ximelagatran, an oral direct thrombin inhibitor, its active metabolite melagatran, and the intermediate metabolites, in biological samples by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 335-347
Marita Larsson, Martin Ahnoff, Anna Abrahamsson, Ulrika Logren, Christina Fakt, Irene Öhrman and Bengt-Arne Persson
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Cellobiose and lactulose coupled with mannitol and determined using ion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection, are reliable probes for investigation of intestinal permeability ARTICLE
Pages 349-357
Maddalena Generoso, Mario De Rosa, Roberto De Rosa, Laura De Magistris, Mario Secondulfo, Rafffaele Fiandra, Romano Carratù and Maria Cartenì
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Quantification of clarithromycin, its 14-hydroxy and decladinose metabolites in rat plasma, gastric juice and gastric tissue using high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection ARTICLE
Pages 359-366
J. I. D. Wibawa, P. N. Shaw and D. A. Barrett
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Simple and accurate determination of bisphenol A in red blood cells prepared with basic glycine buffer using liquid chromatography-electrochemical detection ARTICLE
Pages 367-375
Junko Sajiki
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Determination of clozapine, and its metabolites, N-desmethylclozapine and clozapine N-oxide in dog plasma using high-performance liquid chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 377-382
Karen E. Mosier, Jiuxue Song, Gordon McKay, John W. Hubbard and Jim Fang
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Determination of urinary 12(S)-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry with column-switching technique: sex difference in healthy volunteers and patients with diabetes mellitus ARTICLE
Pages 383-389
Naoto Suzuki, Takanori Hishinuma, Toshihide Saga, Jo Sato, Takayoshi Toyota, Junichi Goto and Michinao Mizugaki
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Liquid chromatographic–mass spectrometric method for the determination of small alpha, Greek-,small beta, Greek-arteether in rat serum ARTICLE
Pages 391-399
M. Rajanikanth, K. P. Madhusudanan and R. C. Gupta
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Development and characterization of an immunoaffinity column for the selective extraction of bisphenol A from serum samples ARTICLE
Pages 401-410
Meiping Zhao, Yang Liu, Yuanzong Li, Xinxiang Zhang and Wenbao Chang
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Simultaneous determination of six urinary porphyrins using liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 411-423
Wei Bu, Nichole Myers, Jane D. McCarty, Tom O’Neill, Shelly Hollar, Philip L. Stetson and Daniel W. Sved
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Development of a liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry method for monitoring the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor lisinopril in serum ARTICLE
Pages 425-432
Andreas Tsakalof, Kyriaki Bairachtari and Manolis Georgarakis
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Enantioselective determination of metoprolol acidic metabolite in plasma and urine using liquid chromatography chiral columns: applications to pharmacokinetics ARTICLE
Pages 433-441
Paula Macedo Cerqueira, Vanessa Bergamin Boralli, Eduardo Barbosa Coelho, Norberto Peporine Lopes, Luis Fernando Lopes Guimarães, Pierina Sueli Bonato and Vera Lucia Lanchote
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Gas chromatographic–mass spectrometric detection of 2- and 3-hydroxy fatty acids as methyl esters from soil, sediment and biofilm ARTICLE
Pages 443-451
M. M. Keinänen, L. K. Korhonen, P. J. Martikainen, T. Vartiainen, I. T. Miettinen, M. J. Lehtola, K. Nenonen, H. Pajunen and M. H. Kontro
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Lansoprazole quantification in human plasma by liquid chromatography–electrospray tandem mass spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 453-459
Celso H. Oliveira, Rafael E. Barrientos-Astigarraga, Eduardo Abib, Gustavo D. Mendes, Débora R. da Silva and Gilberto de Nucci
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Validated method for the determination of risperidone and 9-hydroxyrisperidone in human plasma by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 461-472
B. M. M. Remmerie, L. L. A. Sips, R. de Vries, J. de Jong, A. M. Schothuis, E. W. J. Hooijschuur and N. C. van de Merbel
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High-performance liquid chromatographic method for determination of amodiaquine, chloroquine and their monodesethyl metabolites in biological samples ARTICLE
Pages 473-480
O. M. S. Minzi, M. Rais, J. O. Svensson, L. L. Gustafsson and Ö. Ericsson
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Direct stereoselective assay of fluoxetine and norfluoxetine enantiomers in human plasma or serum by two-dimensional gas–liquid chromatography with nitrogen–phosphorus selective detection ARTICLE
Pages 481-490
Sven Ulrich
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Simultaneous quantitative determination of the HIV protease inhibitors indinavir, amprenavir, ritonavir, lopinavir, saquinavir, nelfinavir and the nelfinavir active metabolite M8 in plasma by liquid chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 491-500
U. S. Justesen, C. Pedersen and N. A. Klitgaard
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Detection of bacterial pathogen DNA using an integrated complementary metal oxide semiconductor microchip system with capillary array electrophoresis ARTICLE
Pages 501-508
Joon Myong Song, Joel Mobley and Tuan Vo-Dinh
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Determination of midecamycin by capillary zone electrophoresis with electrochemical detection SHORT COMMUNICATION
Pages 509-515
Daxing Liu and Wenrui Jin
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Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry profile of urinary organic acids of Wistar rats orally treated with ozonized unsaturated triglycerides and ozonized sunflower oil SHORT COMMUNICATION
Pages 517-525
Daniel Jardines, Teresa Correa, Oscar Ledea, Zullyt Zamora, Aristides Rosado and Jesús Molerio
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Author Index to Vol. 783 MISCELLANEOUS
Pages 527-530

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Compound Index to Vol. 783 MISCELLANEOUS
Pages 531-535

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Page CO1

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News Section NEWS
Pages N1-N2

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